Signs & Symptoms of Getting Your Period

Every fertile woman has a menstrual cycle that results in her period. A number of signs and symptoms can indicate that your period is about to start.


    • The common symptoms that signal you're about to get your period include brown spotting on your underwear, cramping, lower-back pain and bloating.


    • Some women have very little discomfort before and during their period, while others have extreme pain and discomfort. Contact a doctor if the pain and bleeding disrupt your daily life each month.


    • Over-the-counter pain medications, such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen, are usually suggested to handle monthly period pain. There are a few products, such as Pamprin or Midol, that are formulated for a woman's specific needs, including bloating.

    Time Frame

    • A period lasts five to seven days on average. The typical age for a first period is 12.


    • During her period, a woman typically bleeds the heaviest during the first day or two.

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