Ovarian Pelvic Pain
Ovarian pelvic pain is commonly caused by ovarian cysts. Cysts are formed from follicles that grow during the midpoint of your menstrual cycle. The follicle contains the egg and normally releases it, but if the follicle doesn't release the egg, a cyst will form. These cysts may disappear in a few weeks and cause no problems. Others stay and may bleed, break open or twist causing severe pelvic pain.
Ovarian pelvic pain can feel like an ache radiating to the back and thighs. Other symptoms include pain during intercourse or bowel movements, nausea, vomiting and a swelling or bloating of the stomach. Other symptoms include menstrual irregularities and difficulty relieving your bladder or bowel.
Diagnosis of ovarian pelvic pain will include imaging with a CT scan or MRI and a pelvic ultrasound. A pelvic ultrasound reveals the location of an ovarian cyst and if the cyst is fluid filled, solid or a mixture of both. Blood tests reveal other pelvic pain causes such as ovarian cancer, pelvic inflammatory disease and endometriosis.
Treatment for ovarian pelvic pain may include use of birth control pills to reduce the risk of new cysts forming. Surgery to remove ruptured or twisted cysts include a cystectomy and an oophorectomy. A cystectomy removes only the cyst from the ovary, an oophorectomy removes the entire ovary. The cyst is then sent to the lab to determine what type of cyst it is.
There is no way to prevent ovarian pelvic pain or ovarian cysts from forming, but you can lower your risk of developing cysts by taking birth control pills. You should inform your doctor of any changes in menstrual habits or an increase in pain during menstrual periods. Regular pelvic examinations will show any changes in the ovaries and help with early detection of any problems.