How to Ease Period Pain
Things You'll Need
- Cramp bark herb
- Heating pad
- Cod liver oil
Go the store and buy a heating pad, cod liver oil and an herb called cramp bark. Cramp bark can be found in most health food stores or online. Cramp bark relaxes muscles and eases pain.
Start taking cramp bark capsules daily one week before your period starts and during your menstrual cycle. In addition, eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables all month long to feed your cells and give your body extra nourishment. Pineapple juice contains nutrients that help muscles relax. Drink pure pineapple juice every other day before your period and add soothing foods to your diet, such as cucumber and melon.
Take two tbsp. of cod liver oil daily all month long. You can take this in the morning with your breakfast. Buy lemon flavor if you do not like the taste of fish. Cod liver oil helps keep your organs healthy and reduce inflammation.
Exercise daily. To have a less painful period, keep your body in shape by exercising and maintaining a healthy weight. Exercise improves muscle tone and releases endorphins, which help your body deal with pain.
Drink eight to 10 glasses of pure water each day. Water rids your body of toxins and lubricates your tissues. In addition, hydrated muscles are less tense, which can also help to ease pain. The uterus is a muscle that needs to be hydrated and nourished.
Use a heating pad on your lower abdomen. When you feel the pain starting to come. lie down and place a heating pad over your uterus. The heat will help.