Information on Irregular Periods
Long-term cases of irregularity are characterized by irregular bleeding, a lack of a cycle, pain or variations in cycle patterns that occur over several months. Short-term cases of irregularity occur perhaps once or twice a year, and are usually not a cause for concern.
Causes of menstrual irregularity include stress, poor diet (both non-nutritive or low-calorie), too much exercise, use of prescription or recreational drugs, treatment for cancer, thyroid conditions, obesity, chronic illness, ovarian cysts or tumors, and low body fat.
Menstrual irregularities occurring over several months could indicate an underlying condition that ought to be explored by a physician. Those suffering from amenorrhea are more susceptible to osteoporosis. An absence of your period often signals infertility.
Consult your doctor if you have pain, an absence of a cycle for more than a month or excessive bleeding. Depending on the suspected cause of your irregularity, you may be asked to make adjustments to your diet and exercise routines, to manage your stress differently or to be tested for specific conditions.
Young girls who have just begun their cycle, women nearing menopause and breastfeeding mothers all normally experience irregularities. Even if you have irregular cycles, the possibility of pregnancy always exists if you are of childbearing age.