Define Fsh
The Facts About FSH
Your anterior pituitary gland is responsible for releasing follicle-stimulating hormone. It is often used to identify infertility issues as well as either early or delayed puberty in children.
The Role of FSH
FSH is responsible for stimulating egg production and the production of the hormone estradiol in the first half of women's menstrual cycles. FSH is responsible for encouraging sperm production in men.
Abnormal FSH Levels in Women
Abnormal FSH test results in women may indicate ovarian failure due to developmental defects, autoimmune disease, radiation therapy or chemotherapy. Abnormal levels also may be indicative of thyroid disease, polycystic ovary syndrome, ovarian tumors or adrenal disease.
Abnormal FSH Levels in Men
Abnormal FSH test results in men may indicate developmental defects such as a chromosomal abnormality, or gonadal agenesis, which affects testicular growth. Abnormal levels also may indicate testicular failure due to autoimmune disease, trauma, radiation, viral infection, chemotherapy or a germ cell tumor.
Causes of Irregular FSH Levels
FSH levels may be falsely elevated if you use certain medications such as levodopa, clomiphene, cimetidine or digitalis. They also can be falsely decreased if you use hormone treatments, phenothiazines or oral contraceptives.