Femring Side Effects
Femring delivers the hormone estrogen via a flexible ring inserted into the vagina. The ring is left in place for up to 90 days.
Common side effects of Femring include abdominal cramps, back pain, bloating, breast tenderness, hair loss, headache, high blood pressure, sinus infection, urinary tract infection, vaginal bleeding, vaginal yeast infection and water retention. Uterine pain may result due to development of benign tumors called fibroids. In rare instances, Femring can lead to more serious conditions, including blood clots, breast cancer, dementia, gallbladder disease, heart attack, ovarian cancer, stroke, toxic shock syndrome and uterine cancer. Allergic reactions would include hives, itching, swelling, rash, wheezing and difficulty breathing or swallowing.
Smoking increases risk of blood clots, particularly in women older than 35. Femring should not be used if a woman has a history of blood clots, breast cancer, heart disease, liver disease or unexplained vaginal bleeding. Pregnant or women who are breast-feeding should never use Femring, as it can have harmful effects for the child.
Estrogen therapies such as Femring increase the risk of developing cancer in the lining of the uterus. Taking estrogen for five years also increases the risk of blood clots, heart attack and stroke.
Femring should not be used with other vaginal products or corticosteroids. Drinking large amounts of grapefruit juice may also lessen Femring's effectiveness.