Early Warning Signs of Domestic Violence
Domestic violence can lead to death.
He's Too Good to Be True
According to Dr. Luz Towns-Miranda, one of the early warning signs that domestic violence is a potential event in a relationship is that he seems just too good to be true. Individuals who engage in domestic violence are often perfectionists and demand that those around them also be perfect. They lash out at others when errors occur or when things are not just exactly as they want them to be. This sets up their own justification for violent actions toward their partner.
Accusations of Affairs
One of the behaviors that could happen with some frequency is being accused of having an affair or seeing someone else. According to Michigan State University's Safe Place, this sort of accusation occurs with a partner who is controlling and demands accountability for every moment of the day. This often stems from internal feelings of insecurity and poor self-esteem on the part of the partner. However, women, in particular, often attempt to make the accusing partner feel better and give in to being verbally abused instead of standing up for herself. This sets the pattern of abuse into place.
Covered-Up Injuries
Michigan State University's Safe Place indicates that injuries that are covered up and happen with some frequency could be an early warning sign of domestic violence. Physical injuries are an indication that the violence has escalated beyond verbal and emotional abuse. Physical violence can take the form of pushing, shoving, hitting, threatening with weapons and breaking of bones. Victims of abuse often cover up injuries out of embarrassment and shame that they are involved in an abusive relationship.
Avoiding Conflict
Another warning sign of someone being involved in an abusive relationship is a tendency to avoid conflict. Although this characteristic could stem initially from experiences with domestic violence, avoidance behaviors can spill over into other relationships, including friends and coworkers. According to Michigan State University's Safe Place, a tendency to avoid conflict can be a primary indicator of a history of domestic violence.
Changes in Personality
According to Michigan State University's Safe Place, one of the primary indicators of domestic violence is marked changes in a person's personality and demeanor. This can include not only avoiding conflict, as mentioned above, but also a lowering of self-esteem and withdrawing into herself. As the relationship devolves into becoming more and more abusive, a woman may go from being outgoing and full of confidence to being careful about what she says and does, so that she does not trigger an outburst from her partner. These changes in personality can appear in other areas of her life, until this becomes a dominating feature of her personality.