How to Relieve Perimenopause Symptoms
Relieve perimenopause symptoms like hot flashes by avoiding any external elements that trigger them. Track the times you experience hot flashes, like after drinking caffeinated beverages, during times of high stress or in the middle of the night. Find solutions to the culprits like discussing vitamin B supplements with your doctor to reduce mood swings or positioning a fan near your bed to cool off as you sleep to make hot flashes more bearable.
Consider taking birth control pills if your perimenopause symptoms include excessive bleeding or cramping during your periods. Low-dose pills that feature estrogen and progestin can help reduce the heavy bleeding and clotting and help keep your mood swings under control.
Combat menopause signs like extra weight in your stomach area by changing your eating and exercise habits. Eat more fruits and vegetables and cut out foods that are high in saturated fat. Add light weights to your workout to combat a loss of muscle mass that may occur during perimenopause and menopause. A 30-minute, daily aerobic workout can not only prevent weight gain, but also lessen the cramping that often accompanies periods during the months of perimenopause.
Deal with irritability and mood swings by practicing deep breathing to reduce stress or taking an over-the-counter medication like Midol designed to combat premenstrual emotions. If you were prone to Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) before perimenopause, consult your doctor about vitamin supplements, natural menopause treatment or hormone therapy to combat the mood swings, particularly if you're noticing depression symptoms.