What Causes Feminine Odor?

Many women are troubled by feminine odor at some point in their lives. While an odor can be normal, it can also be caused by problems that sometimes need further attention.
  1. Hygiene

    • Not practicing proper hygiene can cause odor to emanate from the vagina. It is important for a woman to wash regularly with soap and warm water and always wipe from front to back after a bowel movement.


    • Vaginal odor can be caused by menstruation. Blood is odorous and this odor can worsen if a women does not change her pad or tampon often enough.

    Sexually Transmitted Disease

    • A sexually transmitted disease, including gonorrhea and chlamydia, can cause feminine odor,


    • Vaginal infections can cause an odor, such as yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis and pelvic inflammatory disease.


    • Even though women shouldn't assume the worst, sometimes feminine odor can be caused by cancer. Vaginal, cervix and uterine cancer can cause an odor in the vaginal area.

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