The Effect on Women Over 35 of Quitting Birth Control

Birth control, also known as contraception, is any method utilized to prevent conception. Methods can include total sexual abstinence, birth control pills, condoms, spermacides, and birth control patches. If a woman quits using birth control after the age of 35 there may be certain effects depending on the method she was using.
  1. Pregnancy

    • Until a woman has entered menopause, which means she had not had a menstrual cycle for at least 12 consecutive months, she is still considered to be fertile. If a sexually active woman quits using birth control she may become pregnant.

    Reduced Risk for certain conditions

    • Women who are over 35 who smoke or have a history of blood clots or breast or endometrial cancer may lessen their risk of certain side effects such as heart disease, high blood pressure, nausea, irregular bleeding, depression and others by quitting their use of birth control pills.

    Abnormal Periods

    • Women who are over the age of 35 who stop taking birth control pills may not return to normal ovulation or have normal menstrual periods right away. If this condition, known as amenorrhea, persists for more than six months she should consult her physician.

    Depressed Libido

    • Some women over the age of 35 who have taken oral contraceptives have experienced a decreased interest in sex that did not return to normal after ceasing to take birth control pills. Fear of an unwanted pregnancy due to lack of birth control may also result in a depressed libido.


    • There is no evidence to support the myth that taking birth control pills causes an increase in weight, so quitting birth control pills after the of 35 will not help a woman loose weight.

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