How to Ease Morning Sickness Suffering
The good news about morning sickness -- and yes, there is good news -- is that morning sickness can be a sign of a thriving pregnancy. According to Dr. Roger Harms of, "A recent study of more than 2,400 pregnant women associated nausea and vomiting during the first trimester with a reduced risk of early pregnancy loss --- particularly for women age 30 and older." Even if you're jumping with nauseated joy to hear that, however, you'd probably just as soon relieve the symptoms.Things You'll Need
- Morning Sickness Tips
Eat whatever foods work for you -- but a tip that works for many women is to eat simple, easy-to-digest, high-carb foods such as saltine crackers. Other women like hard candy. In general, fatty and strongly flavored foods can contribute to morning sickness.
Keep yourself hydrated, especially if you're losing fluids due to vomiting, but take it slowly. Sip water or ginger ale throughout the day -- again, do whatever works for you, although water is the best way to keep yourself hydrated. Try it with a slice of lemon. Some women find that popsicles or ice chips bring relief.
Avoid whatever triggers your morning sickness. Certain smells are known to bring on morning sickness. You might notice a certain cleaner, perfume, shampoo or even peanut butter makes you feel ill -- ask other people to help you avoid whatever smells are bothering you.
Move slowly -- some women find that sudden changes in position make them feel ill. Don't change position too quickly.
Take your prenatal vitamin with food if it seems to be making your morning sickness worse -- and if that doesn't help, try a vitamin without iron and see if that makes a difference. Consult your doctor if you have any concerns about your prenatal vitamin.