Palpitation Symptoms During Menopause
Heart Palpitation Symptoms
Heart palpitations or arrhythmia can be felt in the neck, chest or throat and give the person the sensation that the heart is racing, skipping or fluttering.
During menopause, a woman may feel heart palpitations off and on throughout the transition but they usually last occasionally over a period of a month or two.
Common consensus is that heart palpitations during menopause are caused by the imbalance of hormones. During menopause, estrogen and progesterone levels are constantly changing and this causes the heart to work harder.
Things to Do to Reduce Occurrences
It is advised that women experiencing palpitations during menopause avoid any stimulants including soda, cigarettes, tea and coffee. Also, some medications should be avoided including diet pills.
What to Do During Palpitation
Palpitations may occur more often during physical activity. If this happens, lie down and rest. Avoid stress and practice calming measures that work for you such as breathing slowly or taking a walk.
When to Seek Medical Advice
If your heart rate seems extremely high, does not slow on its own or is accompanied by chest tightness, fainting or dizziness, proceed to an emergency facility.