What Is in Natural Progesterone Cream?
The late physician John R. Lee, international authority and pioneer in natural progesterone cream and natural hormone balance, said menopause symptoms are not due to drops in estrogen but in progesterone levels. The discomfort some women have during menopause comes from unnaturally high levels of estrogen, without progesterone to oppose it.
Women can balance estrogen and testosterone levels naturally by applying natural progesterone. This could decrease the risk of breast cancer and normalize PMS symptoms and menstrual cycles.
Men can use natural progesterone cream to help with prostate cancer. In 1988, a study by the Nanjing Medical College in China showed progesterone reduced the prostate weights of test animals.
The ingredients of natural progesterone cream vary from one brand to another.
Some of the key ingredients in natural progesterone cream, as recommended by Lee, include:
Natural progesterone cream with 400 to 500 mg of progesterone an ounce
Distilled Water
Aloe Vera Gel
Caprylic/capric Triglyceride
Evening Primrose Oil
Vitamin EBalance hormone levels, reduce mood swings and estrogen dominance with natural progesterone cream. Improve stamina and ease menopause with the vitamin E ingredient.
Other safe ingredients added to natural progesterone creams include:
Almond Seed Oil
Burdock Root
Glyceryl Stearate
Isoteric Acid
Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM)
Safflower Seed Oil
Siberian Ginseng
Ingredients to Avoid
Avoid phytoestrogens when selecting natural progesterone creams. Phytoestrogens naturally occur in certain plants, such as soybeans, and act like estrogen in the body, interfering with progesterone. According to physician Elizabeth Smith, avoid natural progesterone creams containing:
Calamus rt.
Red Clover
Synthetic vs. Natural
Avoid synthetic, prescription progesterone, also called progestin. Synthetic progesterone ingredients are made of estrogens obtained from the urine of pregnant mares.
In July 2002, the National Institutes of Health ended a large study examining the effects of synthetic progesterone. It learned the synthetic hormones increased a woman's risk of breast cancer, heart disease, blood clots and stroke.
Some people might have heard of wild yam used as a natural progesterone. Wild yam extracts are not the same as progesterone. Natural progesterone cream is made from diosgenin, a crystalline compound, extracted from the wild yam. Natural progesterone is safe because it's the same, identical molecule manufactured by the human body.
According to osteopathic physician and bestselling author Joseph Mercola, natural progesterone helps prevent breast cancer, increases the sex drive and normalizes blood clotting. It also is a natural anti-depressant and diuretic.
Tips and Warnings
Consult with a doctor before using natural progesterone cream.
Apply only the recommended amount stated on the container.
Understand that using natural progesterone cream might slightly alter your menstrual timing.