Non Typical Menopause Symptoms
Breast Tenderness
Because of the change in hormone levels, some women might actually experience the same breast tenderness they experienced when they were pregnant. This will eventually go away, but in the meantime, wear supportive bras and try to avoid contact with the tender areas.
Vaginal Bleeding
Many women think that menopause is essentially the end of menses (bleeding), but in some cases, bleeding may occur sporadically, or even for weeks or months at a time. This might also be a symptom of something else, so see your doctor if unusual bleeding occurs.
Vaginal Dryness
This is a very uncomfortable and embarrassing symptom. Even older women like to enjoy sexual intercourse, and vaginal dryness makes that a very unpleasant experience. Like most menopausal symptoms, this is caused by changes in estrogen levels.
Skin Irritation
During menopause a woman's body experiences many changes in fluid secretions, and that includes the natural moisturizers in her skin. A decrease in skin moisture can lead to annoying skin itchiness that can easily be combatted with a good dry skin moisturizer.
Hair Loss
Not only are estrogen levels fluctuating, but in some cases women lose vitamin E, the essential vitamin used in making and maintaining hair. Taking a vitamin supplement is an easy way to keep your hair in place and to even grow some of it back.