How to Treat Pregnancy Bacterial Vaginosis

Pregnancy bacterial vaginosis (BV) can cause problems so it must be treated as soon as possible. BV can cause some serious health complications while pregnant such as low birth weight and premature delivery. Since this is the case, you should definitely be tested for BV - especially while pregnant. Another important thing to note is that many women never show any signs of infection - they are asymptomatic - so be sure to ask for a BV test even if you don't have any symptoms.

Here are some common ways to treat pregnancy bacterial vaginosis:


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      Antibiotics are commonly prescribed to treat BV - even while pregnant. These are not the strength as the ones given to women who are not pregnant but they are still medications anyhow. Many women choose not to take these while pregnant because they still fear harming the baby.

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      Another way to treat pregnancy bacterial vaginosis is to use tea tree oil applications. The oil works as an anti-bacterial agent to kill of the bacteria that have multiplied. Mix equal portions of water and tea tree oil and apply to the affected area. You can use 1 teaspoon of water and 1 teaspoon of oil.

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      A third way to treat pregnancy bacterial vaginosis is to eat plenty of yogurt containing "live cultures". This means that the yogurt actually contains bacteria which are often referred to as the "good" bacteria - Acidophilus. When eaten, the Acidophilus goes to work and combats the "bad" bacteria (often Gardnerella) that have multiplied and caused the infection.

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