Early Menstrual Period & Stress
Normal Cycles
On average, a woman's menstrual cycle lasts 28, from the start of one period to the start of the next period. Stress and other factors can affect ovulation, and any change in ovulation (the releasing of an egg into the fallopian tubes for fertilization) can and will affect the start date of your next period.
Outside Factors
Early (or late) periods can be caused by a variety of external factors including stress, overexercising, changes in weight or changes in nutrition. These are external factors because they can be changed, in most cases, without medical intervention.
Internal Factors
A woman's age greatly affects her cycle. If she is just starting her first period or beginning to enter menopause, her periods will be irregular. Also, changes in hormones and other physical changes, such as thyroid status, prolactin level, insulin resistance, or hypothalamic dysfunction can shift the start of ovulation and create a change in a woman's cycle.
Make Changes
If the changes in your cycle are due to stress, find ways to reduce it through stress management, change or stress- relieving exercises. Try to alleviate anxiety. This is your body's way of saying "enough is enough." Remember, you are just one person and are not responsible for the entire world, just yourself.
Stress and other factors can greatly affect the length and duration of a woman's period and cycle. Through regulating the factors that you can change, you can bring back some normalcy to your cycle and make it more predictable in the future.