Fallopian Tubes Infection
Fallopian tube infections are caused when bacteria from another part your body spreads into the tubes. If you have a urinary track, bladder, vaginal or cervical infection, the bacteria can cross into the fallopian tubes. Fallopian tube infections can be caused by an untreated STD. Gonorrhea and chlamydia are two of the most common STDs to cause infections. Pelvic inflammatory disease is an infection of the uterus, fallopian tubes or other reproductive organs. PID is a common and serious infection that needs treatment right away.
Signs and Symptoms
If you have PID or an STD you may not have any symptoms. If you have symptoms they may be very mild and you may not be alarmed. Possible symptoms of a fallopian tube infection include lower abdominal pain, fever, vaginal discharge that has a foul odor or pain when urinating.
Fallopian tube infections can be hard to diagnose. Mild symptoms could be caused by a number of different illnesses. Your doctors will perform several tests to help them rule out other possible causes. Tests include a physical examination, taking a culture of the bacteria and blood work. An ultrasound might also be done to rule out ecoptic pregnancy or a ruptured cyst.
If left untreated, a fallopian tube infection can cause permanent damage. Infections can create scar tissue in the tube that can block the egg as it moves through. This can lead to infertility as the egg may not be able to reach the sperm. Other complications include ecoptic pregnancy or chronic pain.
Fallopian tube infections can be treated with antibiotics. Serious infections may require hospitalizations. Take all the medication you are given even if you begin to feel better. This will ensure that all the bacteria are killed.
You are at risk of fallopian tube infection if you are a sexually active women. Take steps to prevent STDs. If you notice anything abnormal see your doctor. Even mild symptoms should be discussed with your doctor. Get yearly exams and Pap smears.