Homeopathy for Menopause
The time that gives women the most concern is usually perimenopause. Homeopathy for menopause can often provide relief from symptoms and a fresh outlook for perimenopause and beyond.
What is Homeopathy?
According to The Society of Homeopaths, homeopathy is a system of medical treatment that uses highly diluted substances to trigger your body's immune system to heal itself. These substances would cause symptoms in a healthy person that are similar to those that the unhealthy person is suffering from.
By using homeopathic remedies, you trigger a reaction against perimenopausal symptoms in your immune system.
Hot Flashes and Night Sweats
Hot flashes and night sweats are among the most often reported, and troubling symptoms of menopausal changes. HolisticOnline.com reports that several natural remedies for menopause can be used to bring relief.
Sepia works well when your hot flashes are accompanied by nausea, weakness and depression; and lachesis mutus helps when hot flashes originate from your head, become worse in warm environments, and are relieved from being in open air.
Pulsatilla can be used when your hot flashes seem to come when indoors, leaving you feeling chilly and emotional.
Belladonna works for hot flashes that are in your facial area and that leave you feeling irritated, possibly with heart palpitations.
When menopausal changes bring stress, natural remedies for menopause such as chamomilla for hypersensitivity, irritability and insomnia, or pulsatilla for moodiness, sadness and weepiness, can help.
Stramonium relieves anger, fear and irritability, and ignatia amara relieves stress and nervousness.
Your menstrual periods will continue during most of perimenopause, and PMS sometimes worsens during this time. Cimicifuga racemosa is a homeopathic menopause remedy that eases painful menstruation that comes with irritability, oversensitivity and a general feeling of malaise.
The homeopathic remedy magnesia phosphorica works for abdominal cramping and headaches, and natrum muriaticum helps with heavy, irregular and prolonged periods that come with tears and feelings of emotional and physical exhaustion.
Vaginal Dryness
Of all the symptoms of perimenopause and menopause, vaginal dryness is one of the most bothersome. According to Alternative Medicine Zone, two common homeopathic remedies for this condition are natrum muriaticum, which works well if you have vaginal dryness along with water retention and a craving for salt. Staphysagria is a homeopathic menopause remedy that helps relieve vaginal dryness accompanied by painful intercourse. Staphysagria also helps diminish the problem of involuntary urination.