Risks of Permanent Makeup
Benefits of Permanent Makeup
Permanent makeup is actually a form of cosmetic tattooing. Permanent lip color or lip liner can add color and define the lips, making them appear more youthful and vibrant. Lip liner makes your lips appear fuller. Eyebrows can be permanently tattooed on if you have very light, thin or missing patches of eyebrow. Permanent eyeliner is useful if you have missing, very light or nonexistent eyelashes, or if you have an unsteady hand and can't put eyeliner on everyday. Other less common cosmetic tattooing procedures can lighten birthmarks, camouflage scars, place a beauty mark, or darken your areola or nipple.
Disliking the Result
Permanent makeup is just that--permanent--so probably the biggest risk you will take is possibly regretting and disliking the result. If your lips are too dark, or the lip liner was done poorly you may look clownish. If your permanent eyebrows are too high or too low, the result can cause an angry look on your face. Make sure you research the technician doing the procedure and know he or she can do work you will be satisfied with.
According to the FDA, there are "more than 150 reports of adverse reactions in consumers to certain permanent make-up ink shades, and it is possible that the actual number of women affected was greater." The FDA admits that it has not studied or regulated the dyes used in permanent cosmetics, but it is keeping records of adverse reactions and in the future hopes to take actions that will protect the public health.
Rashes and allergic skin disorders can be caused by non-medical quality ink. Symptoms of an allergic reaction are swelling, bumps, or pain and tenderness in the area. Bumps around the edge of the makeup are an indication you might have granulomas or nodules. This is a condition where your body tries to fight off the tattoo.
Keloid formation is a condition where your body will create a large scar at the site of an injury. Your body may think the tattoo is an injury and form a large scar.
Unsterile Needles and Infectious Diseases
Unsterile needles can spread infectious diseases. Hepatitis A and B is a risk whenever needles are involved and not regulated. Staphylococcus aureus or staph bacteria can enter your blood stream from an unsterile needle. An unqualified technician, in unsanitary conditions, can increase your chances of infection.
FDA Complaint Form
According to the FDA website, "the FDA urges consumers and healthcare providers to report adverse reactions to tattoos and permanent makeup, problems with removal, or adverse reactions to temporary tattoos. Consumers and healthcare providers can register complaints using the contact information."