How to Know If You Have An Apple Or A Pear Shape Body
But sometimes there's a fine line between what can be considered an apple shape and a pear shape. It's the waist to hip ratio that will determine our shape.
Things You'll Need
- tape measure
- calculator
Take a standard tape measure and measure your waist. Generally your waist is right above the pelvic bones or pretty much at your belly button. Write down this number.
Now take the tape measure and measure your hips. Go right around the fullest part of your butt and around to your stomach. Write down this number.
After you have both of these measurements divide your waist number by your hip number and see what it comes up as. The standard ratio that doctors use to determine if you are an apple shape or a pear shape is what this number is. Anything at .8 or higher is considered an apple shape. This .8 is for women.
Anything at .9 or higher is considered an apple shape and this number is for men. Men have a tendency for greater health risks once this number hits .9 or above.
You might look in the mirror and figure that you are a pear shape just because you wear a size larger in pants than in shirts but it's this magic number that will determine whether you are considered an apple or a pear.
Waist measurement is important for detecting obesity and the other health risks you might be facing if your waist to hip ratio is above these numbers.
Pay attention to what your waist to hip ratio is and if you are at a high number then it's time to take action.