When to Use Progesterone Creme
During a typical 28-day fertility cycle, progesterone plays a key role. After menstruation and ovulation, progesterone is released by the corpus luteum--the recently-released egg--and remains elevated for about ten to 14 days. Also, called the luteal phase, this time of elevated progesterone affects the way a woman feels during this pre-menstrual time and also her ability to nourish and protect a recently fertilized egg.
Low progesterone may result in a shortened luteal phase, which means a fertilized egg will not have time to implant in the uterus before the thick, rich lining sheds itself in the form of a menstrual period. In addition, low progesterone may cause symptoms of pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS), such as headaches, bloating, mood swings and depression. Progesterone also causes the resting body temperature--or basal body temperature--to remain elevated during the entire luteal phase.
Progesterone Cream for Pre-Menopausal Women
Pre-menopausal women who are trying to conceive or who experience PMS symptoms may experience relief from progesterone cream. Extra progesterone found in progesterone cream may help to lengthen the luteal phase and make implantation of a fertilized egg more likely. Pre-menopausal women should use progesterone cream progesterone cream 14 days before menstruation, stopping just a day or two before. Women who are trying to achieve a pregnancy, though, should only take progesterone once ovulation is detected. Too much progesterone too early in the fertility cycle may inhibit ovulation.
Progesterone Cream for Post-Menopausal Women
Many post-menopausal women find relief of menopausal symptoms with progesterone cream. At menopause, estrogen levels drop 40 to 60 percent, and this may also cause a drop in progesterone. Adequate amounts of progesterone and estrogen can help to reduce the risk of breast cancer and osteoporosis. Apply progesterone cream to a fat-soluble area of the body, such as the face, breasts, chest or inner arms. Post-menopausal women should take the cream for 25 days of a calendar month. One quarter of a teaspoon per day should provide sufficient amounts of progesterone for these women.
Negative side effects of extended progesterone cream use include hair loss, weight gain, facial hair, depression or fatigue. To combat these side effects, make sure to get plenty or rest, eat fresh fruits and vegetables and avoid stress when possible.