Management of Urinary Tract Infections
Causes and symptoms
Urinary tract infections are caused when bacteria like E. coli enter the urinary system and attach to the urinary lining. Most infections are ascending, which means they enter through the urethra and work their way up. In very rare cases, an infection may be descending, starting in the kidneys and working its way down. When you have contracted a urinary tract infection, you may notice that you have the urge to urinate more often, even if little or no urine comes out. You may also experience burning or pain in your lower back, pelvis or groin. Your urine may also be dark, cloudy or even bloody.
Early diagnosis is important to urinary tract infection management. Many urinary tract infections are diagnosed through the symptoms, especially if you have chronic urinary tract infections and are able to spot the infections early. However, urinary tract infection symptoms could also mean a sexually transmitted disease or kidney disease. The most effective way of diagnosing a urinary tract infection is through a urine analysis from your health care provider. If you experience recurring urinary tract infections, he may also order a urine culture, which can pinpoint the exact strain of bacteria that is causing the infection.
Prescription Antibiotics
Once your heath care provider has diagnosed your urinary tract infection, he will probably prescribe antibiotics to manage the infection. Amoxicillin and ciprofloxacin are two types of antibiotics that may be prescribed for your UTI. Depending on the brand and severity of your infection, your prescription may last from one dose to two weeks. Your symptoms may disappear within days, but keep taking your antibiotics until the prescription is gone. This will prevent the infection from recurring.
Home Remedies
Home remedies can help manage your urinary tract infection. It is important to remember that only antibiotics or your immune system can cure a UTI. Home remedies treat the symptoms of the infection while your immune system handles the bacteria. Uristat and Azo are two over-the-counter medications that can be taken for UTI. Another home remedy is using unsweetened cranberry juice or cranberry supplements to relieve the symptoms and flush bacteria from your system. Home remedies can be cost effective, but if your infection symptoms have not subsided within a couple of days you should see your health care provider for further diagnosis.
Although there are several options to treat a urinary tract infection, prevention is the best way to manage them. Maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine to promote a health immune system. You may also try taking cranberry or Vitamin C supplements to promote good urinary health. Avoid bacterial contamination by wiping front to back after a bowel movement. You should also wash your genitals with warm water and mild soap every day and after sexual contact.