Menopause & Itchy Skin
Itchiness during menopause is caused primarily by lack of hydration, so you must moisturize your skin regularly. recommends that you use castor oil on your skin. Mix it with lavender or peppermint scent so that it smells good. More conventional forms of moisturizer that contain alpha hydroxy, and vitamins E and A are good for itchy skin. Keep your body hydrated from the inside out by drinking lots of water throughout the day. When your skin is not getting the moisture it needs, it dries out and sloughs off and itches. You can get alpha-hydroxy into your system by eating pineapples, apples, tomatoes, grapes and blackberries.
Pruritus and Paresthesia
When a woman is plagued by pruritus (itchy skin), this can be very disruptive. According to, another condition called paresthesia sometimes afflicts menopausal women. When paresthesia strikes, a woman experiences sensations of tingling, pricking of the skin, as well as a pins-and-needles feeling or numbness. Some of these women actually experience formication, which is a very specific type of paresthesia that is characterized by a creepy, crawly sensation. It's a phantom sensation of insects crawling on the skin.
Vaginal Itching
Itchy, menopausal skin may occur in the vagina. This is the result of loss of estrogen, which makes the tissue in the vagina shrink, dry up and then itch. You can put some vitamin E, aloe vera or even castor oil, combined with a few drops of peppermint, on your vaginal area to relieve itching.
Don't Smoke; Avoid Dairy and Gluten
Stop smoking. Smoking dries out your skin, which can lead to itching. Nicotine restricts blood vessels which, in turn, make your skin itchy and dry. Some foods may be causing your itch. These foods may include gluten or dairy products. Eliminate them from your diet and see if this helps.
Vitamin B
Foods that contain vitamin B may relieve your itching. Consider eating mushrooms, cooked cabbage, tuna, spinach, salmon, sunflower seeds, soy milk, whole-grain oats, green peas, mackerel, sesame seeds and walnuts.
Don't forget the calcium. Eat foods that are calcium-rich, including figs, oats, almonds, asparagus, and milk, which may relieve your itching.
Other Likelihoods
In addition to itchiness, menopausal women may experience pigment changes, thinning skin, wrinkles and acne.