Causes of Vaginal Burning
Hygiene Products
If you use scented feminine hygiene products including tampons, pads or vaginal sprays; or if you use douches or other cleansers, these products can irritate your vagina and cause a burning sensation.
Yeast Infections
Yeast infections, also called candidiasis or moniliasis, result from an overgrowth of fungus in your vagina and can cause vaginal burning and intense itching in your genital area.
Having sexual intercourse without sufficient lubrication may cause feelings of vaginal burning during or after having sexual intercourse.
If you have a latex allergy, you may experience a sensation of burning in your vagina if your partner used a latex condom during sex.
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) such as genital herpes or genital warts may cause you to have vaginal burning and soreness as a result of lesions caused by these diseases.
If you have a urinary tract infection (UTI), bacteria from your rectum or urinary tract can also grow in your vagina and cause inflammation and a burning sensation.