Symptoms of Sciatic Endometriosis
What Happens With Endometriosis?
When the tissue implants, the lining continues its function. That is, it will bleed as the other menstrual cells do during the process of menses. This causes increased pressure and pain in the affected areas.
Sciatic Endometriosis
When the lining chooses to implant upon the sciatic nerve, it can cause a condition similar to sciatica, called sciatic endometriosis. Sciatica is the irritation of the sciatic nerve due to a herniated disc. However endometriosis can mimic the symptoms.
Pelvic Pain
The main symptom of sciatic endometrosis is pelvic pain. It is the most common symptom of endometriosis itself. As the lining bleeds, it builds pressure, causing the pain.
Leg Pain
Women suffering from sciatic endometriosis can suffer from leg pain, as the endometriosis irritates the sciatic nerve. Since the sciatic nerve runs the length of the leg, sciatic endometriosis can present as leg pain.
Hip Pain and Limitations
Sciatic endometriosis can also present as hip pain. When the endometriosis affects the hip, it can irritated the hip joint, as well as limit the motion of the hip by adhering to the hip ligaments and restricting movement. This can cause pain and limping in the affected hip joint.
If the pain is severe, surgery is available to remove the endometriosis affecting the nerve and relieve the pain. Otherwise, sciatic endometriosis may be treated with prescription medicines.