Yasmin Problems
Gallbladder Problems
Gallstones are small substances that develop on the gallbladder and can be associated with Yasmin. According to Yasmingallbladderdisease.com, women around the country have suffered from gallbladder disease when using this pill. Stones develop when liquid stored in the gallbladder hardens into small stonelike pieces. Some symptoms of this disease are pain in the right side of the abdomen, pain between the shoulder blades and pain under the right shoulder. Gallbladder disease often necessitates surgery.
Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
Deep vein thrombosis, also known as DVT, is a blood clot formed in a vein deep in the body, and this is a possible side effect of taking the drug Yasmin. Most of these blood clots occur in the legs, but they can also occur in other parts of the body. DVT can be diagnosed through an ultrasound, which is the most common method of diagnosis. It can also be diagnosed with a D-dimer test that measures substances in the blood or by a venograph, which is when dye is released into the vein and an X-ray is then taken to get a closer look.
According to the Mayo Clinic, blood clots related to Yasmin can lead to such problems as stroke. A stroke usually occurs when a blood vessel is blocked by a blood clot and is not able to provide oxygen and nutrients to the brain. Although this side effect is not common, it is important to take proper precautions and to discuss any problems with your doctor.
Heart Attack
According to Yasminsideeffectslawyer.com, Yasmin contains the chemical drospirenone, which raises a woman's blood potassium level. When this level is high, the salt and water levels in the body become unbalanced, which can lead to circulatory issues. Heart attack is a possible side effect, so it is important to notify your doctor if you experience tightness in the chest; chest pain; shortness of breath; or pain in the arm, neck, jaw or head.
Pulmonary Embolism (PE)
Pulmonary embolism, also known as PE, is a possible side effect of taking Yasmin. PE occurs when blood is unable to travel through the lungs due to a blocked artery. Some of the symptoms of PE to pay close attention to are a bloody cough, chest pain, shortness of breath and a rapid heartbeat. Like many other side effects, this one is very serious and should not be ignored.