Can Chaste Tree Berry Cause a Miscarriage?
Also known as Vitex, chaste tree berries come from the fruit of small, shrubby plants with rose-lavender flowers native to Eurasia. Used for over 2500 years, chasteberry was even noted by Hippocrates for its beneficial effects on the female reproductive system.
Besides its effects on the female reproductive system, chaste tree berry helps to increase and maintain progesterone levels needed to maintain a pregnancy. It helps those who have low progesterone. In addition, Alternative Health Center says chaste tree berry is also called monk's pepper, as it may help decrease libido in men.
No studies exist to help determine if chaste tree berry causes miscarriages. As a matter of fact, elevated progesterone levels may help to sustain a pregnancy in the first two weeks after ovulation. Alternative Health Center sites three large German studies with about 4500 participants. In one facet of the study, one-third of the women reported that chaste tree berry relieved pre-menstrual syndrome symptoms. Also, in another study, 45 women who had had previous difficulty conceiving were given chasteberry. Seven of these women conceived.
Dosing Information
German research suggests that 30 to 40mg of chaste tree berry can significantly elevate progesterone levels after three months of use. If taking chasteberry in pill form, 800mg should be sufficient.
Chaste tree berry has not been studied extensively. As a matter of fact, researches in the United States haven't studied its effects at all. Listed as contraindicated during pregnancy, Vitex and chaste tree berry supplements should not be taken during the first three months of pregnancy. Chaste tree berry raises prolactin levels and may also bring milk on too soon in a pregnant woman. However, use of chaste tree berry during the first 10 days after ovulation can help maintain elevated progesterone levels needed to sustain an early pregnancy. Other side effects of chaste tree berry include gastrointestinal upset, headaches and increased menstrual flow.