What to Look for in a Gynecologist
Professional Certification
Before scheduling an appointment, make sure your new doctor is board certified in gynecology. This means they have taken and passed the required tests that confirm their ability to practice in gynecology. However, make sure you do not confuse this term with board eligible, which means the doctor is qualified to take the test, but has not passed it yet. You can contact the American Board of Medical Specialties to find out whether your doctor is board certified in gynecology. (Find a link in the Resources section.)
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It is also important to find out if a gynecologist has had any previous complaints. A doctor who has had malpractice lawsuits filed against them may be a sign that you should continue looking for a gynecologist. You can find out if a doctor has had any disciplinary action against them by contacting your state medical licensing board. The American Medical Association's website provides links to all state medical boards. (Find a link in the References section.)
When choosing a gynecologist, you should also pay attention to the initial phone call to the doctor's office. If you have a hard time scheduling an appointment, it may be a sign you will have trouble in the future getting an appointment, and the doctor may be too busy to properly assist you.
Good Communication
Before having any procedures done, you may consider scheduling an introductory visit. This is a good way to get a better feel for your doctor's practice style and attitude. During the visit, you should ask questions that pertain to the reason for your appointment. For example, if you are planning to have a baby, you would want to know your doctor's approach to labor and delivery. On the other hand, if you are in the menopause stage of your life, you may ask your doctor their opinion on hormone replacement therapies.
The way your doctor answers your questions is a good measure of their practice style. If the doctor tends to impose his or her own beliefs on you instead of giving a professional medical perspective, you may consider continuing your search. Also, you do not want a doctor who seems too busy to listen to you or isn't sincere about your concerns. Rather, your doctor should answers any questions you asked in a thoughtful manner that makes you feel comfortable and relaxed.