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How to Shrink Fibroid Tumors
Fibroids are non-cancerous tumors, in the breast, uterus and ovaries. Many women suffer from these growths, which can cause pain, discomfort and excessive bleeding. Fibroids can get so pervasive that they being to attach themselves to other internal organs, ultimately causing the need for major surgery. Once you discover that you them, what can you shrink them or slow their growth?Instructions
Diet: Removing dairy, meat, processed and fried foods can help shrink fibroids. Change to organic meat and foods, eating lots of fresh fruits and salads. Drink juices made from dark fruit like, grapes, cranberry and pomegranate.
Low estrogen: Find alternative non-estrogen substitutes, for birth control and menopause treatment. Birth control, and hormone replacement therapy feed fibroids and cause them to grown larger.
Power greens: Eat dark green leafy vegetables, like broccoli, kale and cauliflower, that help reduce estrogen in the body.
Water: Drinking lots of water will help fibroids tumors become smaller. Many illnesses and conditions are caused by chronic dehydration.