Physical Symptoms of Ovulation
Body Temperature
During ovulation, the body temperature will raise slightly. For this method to be accurate, you must know what your regular body temperature is over a period of time. Most experts suggest charting your temperature for at least two months prior to relying on the body temperature test for ovulation. You will begin by taking your temperature first thing each morning and recording the number on a chart. During ovulation, you will notice a slight rise in temperature of about 0.4-0.6 degrees.
Cervical Mucus
During ovulation, the mucus released from the cervix will noticeable change in amount and consistency. Because the mucus aids in ushering the sperm to the egg, the body naturally increases the amount of mucus released during ovulation. In addition, mucus that is normally thick and whitish becomes clear and slippery, much like egg whites.
Abdominal Pain
About 20 percent of women will experience discomfort during ovulation, which is caused by the egg moving down the fallopian tube. The pain will vary from woman to woman, but will generally include a dull ache or sharp pains. The pains will usually be centered in the right of the lower abdomen. For some women, the pains are brief, lasting just a few seconds or minutes, for others they can last for hours.
Increased Libido
During ovulation, many women will experience a noticeable increase in libido. This is the body's way of urging the women to have intercourse, leading to the fertilization of the egg. Increased desire is not a sure-fire physical symptom of ovulation, but if you experience other signs in addition to an increase in libido, it is likely that you are ovulating.
Changes in hormone levels during ovulation can cause the body to produce greater amounts of oils that are released onto the skin. When this happens, many women experience an increase in the amount of blemishes on the skin. Usually, these are located in the "t-zone" of the face, or the forehead, nose, and chin. Like an increase in libido, an outbreak of acne can be a result of other factors, and should only be considered as a sign of ovulation when other symptoms are also experienced.