Natural Menopause Cures
Ginseng's phytoestrogenetic properties can help improve moods and alleviate sleep problems that some women experience during menopause. Asian ginseng supplements are made from the ginseng plant; the compound is dried and formed into liquid or liquid extracts. Adults should ingest 1 to 2 g of fresh ginseng root daily for up to three months for best results.
The International Journal of Gynecological Obstetrics published a 1999 study conducted by Dr. T. Tode that found red Korean ginseng to be an effective treatment in improving mood in menopausal women. The product was given to study participants with a combination of other vitamins and minerals.
Do not take ginseng if you take a blood thinning medication or heart medication. Stop taking ginseng at least seven days prior to having surgery because it acts as a blood thinner.
Black Cohosh
Black cohosh is used to treat menopause symptoms as an alternative for hormone replacement therapy. Black cohosh is part of the buttercup family and grows in abundance throughout North America. When dried, the root produces many phytoestrogens, which is the main proponent for easing symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats. The phytoestrogens control brain blood vessel dilation, which is where most symptoms originate.
Research has had mixed results. A 1982 German study published by H. Stolze found that black cohosh relieved most menopausal symptoms. The study involved 629 menopausal women from 131 general practitioners and gynecologists offices. According to the study, 80 percent of patients reported relief from symptoms after taking black cohosh after six to eight weeks of treatment; 49 percent of patients said there was significant relief from hot flashes, night sweats, headache and vertigo; and 39 percent said their depression and nervousness symptoms lessened.
The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine conducted a study on the affect of black cohosh on menopause symptoms and found that black cohosh failed to have an effective impact on menopause symptoms. The North American Menopause Society recommends that women should consider using black cohosh to relieve symptoms and that it is a safe treatment for women without liver problems.
The isoflavins and phytonutrients in soy can help relieve menopause symptoms such as night sweats and hot flashes. Soybeans, tofu, soy milk or roasted soy nuts are good ways to add soy to your diet. If you can't get it through whole foods, take it in supplement form. Take 40 to 80 mg per day for the best results on menopause symptoms.
The Bowman Gray School of Medicine in North Carolina conducted a study on the effects of soy and menopause. Researchers found that 50 percent of its menopausal study participants who took soy reported a decrease in severity of their hot flash symptoms. It's important to note that 35 percent of the group who took a placebo supplement reported a reduction in symptoms too.