How to Read Pregnancy Test Results
Use the pregnancy test as instructed on the box and make sure that the absorbent tip receives a flow of urine that lasts for at least five seconds. For most tests you can also dip the end into fresh urine.
Lay the test on a flat surface after it's been soaked in urine and wait for two minutes. Some tests may require you to wait longer and some tests may also show a light move back and forth until it's ready. Make sure that the test is not touched during this time.
Observe the line that appears within the small square portion of the test. If no line appears, then the test was done incorrectly and new test will have to be taken. Also, make sure to read the test within the first 10 minutes after completion.
Look for a minus sign (-) on the test to determine that the results are negative and that you are not pregnant. Take another test if you still don't have your period within a week, and see a doctor if you continue to get negative results but you've not begun your period.
Look for a plus sign (+) on the test to determine that the results are positive, meaning you are pregnant. Make sure to see a doctor after you've received positive results.