Natural Sources for Hormone Replacement
Soy has long been recognized as an alternative and replacement to estrogen. Soy contains phytoestrogens that work like a weakened version of estrogen. They may not be as strong as an actual hormone replacement medication, but for some women who have only mild hot flashes, it may be enough.
Phytoestrogens can be found in foods such as some cereals, legumes and certain vegetables. There are some herbs that also contain phytoestrogens such as wild yam, valerian root and black cohosh.
Natural Supplements
There are a number of over-the-counter nutritional supplements and herbal mixtures that claim to relieve many menopausal symptoms. These supplements may contain such ingredients as ginseng, fenugreek, licorice, sarsaparilla, flaxseed, red clover or chaste-tree berry. There is not much information known about these herbs and how effective they are. No one even knows if they are truly safe, but some women have reported good results with these herbs. There are also herbalists who have used these herbs and said they have good results prescribing them for their clients.
Another well-known herb that is commonly used in women of menopausal symptoms is dong quai. This herb is also able to balance estrogen, tone the reproductive organs and treat endometriosis as well as ease hot flashes. It has been known to relieve such symptoms as fatigue and headaches that can accompany menopause, as well as alleviate vaginal dryness.
One problem with many of these natural products is that there is not enough known about them to know if they are truly effective or if they are even safe.
Even if these products do help, they may take longer to work to relieve the symptoms because they are natural and not a prescription medication. However, even though they are natural, they may interact with prescription medications you take, so it is always best if you talk to your doctor first before taking anything, including herbs.
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