Natural Supplements for Severe Perimenopausal Symptoms
Dong Quai
Dong quai is a commonly used herb in both Chinese cooking and medicine. It contains Vitamins B12, A and E, as well as phytoestrogens, which are phytochemicals that bind to estrogen receptors in the body, mimicking estrogen in the body. This explains why it can help relieve perimenopause symptoms associated with reduced estrogen levels, such as hot flashes, mood swings and vaginal dryness. Dong quai root can be dipped in hot water to make a tea, or it can be purchased in supplement form.
Maca Root
Maca root is a radish-like plant indigenous to South America. It is helpful for relieving troublesome symptoms of menopause because of its balancing effect on hormone levels in the body. Maca root is useful for relieving such symptoms as bone loss, vaginal dryness, hot flashes and reduced sexual desire. You can purchase Maca root in the form of a supplement or you can make a tea by dipping the root in hot water.
Black Cohosh
Black cohosh is a plant native to North America which, like dong quai, contains phytoestrogens. Among its benefits for the perimenopausal woman are body temperature regulation, anxiety relief, depression relief and increase of natural female lubrication. Black cohosh supplements are available for purchase, and many can be taken up to twice a day for up to six months. Side effects come with this herbal supplement, including increased liver enzymes, headache and stomach upset.
Soy already has a lot of health benefits and is especially helpful for keeping perimenopause symptoms at bay. It is particularly effective at reducing the severity of hot flashes and night sweats. Its other benefits include improving heart health, reducing bone loss and regulating insulin levels in the body. The best thing about soy is that it is relatively simple to add to your daily diet, whether by drinking soy milk, cooking with tofu or snacking on roasted soynuts throughout the day.