What Are the Causes of Recurrent Yeast Infections?
The symptoms of candidiasis are redness, burning, swelling, and itching in the vulva and vaginal area, which will get worse if not treated. There is usually a thick white discharge accompanied by a foul smell in advanced yeast infections. You may have one or more of the above symptoms in varying degrees, from mild to intense. Yeast infections are common, and at least 75 percent of all women will experience at least one yeast infection in their life. Five percent of women get more than one yeast infection per year.
Yeast infections have many causes, but the bottom line is that the normal vaginal environment has changed. Your body has a natural healthy balance of bacteria and fungi. The vaginal area is naturally acidic, but when the acid balance changes, the yeast can grow and multiply, causing an infection.
Main Causes
Taking antibiotics can cause a yeast infection because the antibiotic will kill off the helpful bacteria in the vagina that keeps the yeast in control. Pregnancy changes the hormones in the body, which may cause yeast to grow and cause a yeast infection. Stress, lack of sleep and having your period can cause you to get a yeast infection. Eating foods high in sugar or can cause yeast to grow. Diabetes and HIV/AIDS can cause a yeast infection. Yeast infections are not commonly passed by sexual contact, but it is possible, especially in lesbian couples.
Other Causes
Other things that can cause yeast infections are hot tubs, very hot bath water, douching, scented feminine products and sprays, scented and dyed toilet tissue, laundry detergent with lots of perfumes, condoms with a spermicidal lubricant, tight clothing and underwear, birth control pills or any hormonal birth control methods, wet clothing and synthetic fiber under clothing.
Recurring vulvovaginal candidiasis is often due to a weakened immune system. It is a good idea to see a doctor if you have recurring yeast infections because the symptoms are very similar to chlamydia and gonorrhea, two sexually transmitted diseases.
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