Test for Ovarian Cancer
Blood Tests
Initially, your doctor will order blood tests to identify levels of white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets. Blood tests will also be used to analyze liver and kidney function. The CA-125 blood test will be ordered to determine if cancerous cells are present. If the CA-125 test is abnormal, you will usually be referred to a gynecologic oncologist.
Ultrasound and Other Imaging
Your doctor may use an ultrasound test to determine if tumors are present in the pelvic region. Also, ultrasound allows your doctor to see if the tumors are actually cysts filled with fluid or if they are solid masses of tumorous cells.
Your doctor may also use an MRI or CT scan test to look for masses in the pelvic region. These tests are also helpful when doctors want to determine whether the cancer has spread to other parts of the body.
Your doctor may use a barium enema X-ray to determine if the cancer has spread to the colon or rectum. Sometimes a colonoscopy may be done in lieu of a barium enema X-ray.
Chest X-rays are used to determine if the cancer has spread to the lungs.
Positron Emission Tomography (PET Scan)
This test is performed after you ingest radioactive glucose. Cancerous cells need more glucose, so the ingested glucose will be more concentrated where cancer cells exist. PET scans are helpful when looking for small cancerous cell accumulations that have spread into other parts of the body. According to the American Cancer Society, PET scans are one of the more expensive tests and are often not covered by insurance companies.
A laparoscopy is a surgical procedure that involves threading a lighted camera tube through a tiny abdominal incision. This procedure allows your doctor to see images of the internal organs. During this procedure biopsies may be taken to diagnose the cancer. A laparoscopy can help indicate if the cancer has spread and can help your doctor plan appropriate treatments.