About Yeast Infections in Women
What It Is
A yeast infection is a vaginal irritation caused by the overgrowth of Canadida albicans, a fungus.
Why Do We Get Them?
Yeast infections can be the result of certain medications you might be taking, hormonal changes, poor eating habits, stress, illness, pregnancy or a lack of sleep.
Signs Of A Yeast Infection
Soreness, thick white discharge, rash, painful urination and a burning feeling can indicate a yeast infection. Most infected will have some of the signs but not usually all of the signs listed.
Most yeast infections can be treated with the use of over-the-counter creams, ointments or tablets. If an infection is severe, a doctor might also prescribe a single dose of oral fluconazole.
Avoiding Yeast Infections
Women can avoid yeast infections by not using scented bubble baths or sprays. Also, changing feminine products often and wearing cotton underwear all contribute to proper vaginal health.