Menopause Depression Diet
As you approach menopause, your digestive tract slows down, along with your body's reproductive system and overall metabolism. This can cause symptoms including tiredness, forgetfulness, dryness of the vaginal area and mouth, depression and weight gain. You may be able to avoid or reverse menopausal depression through a diet rich in fiber, omega-3 essential fatty acids, fruits, proteins and vegetables.-
Eat several helpings of potassium-rich fruits every day to help to ward off menopause-related depression and to balance your sodium levels, which will help with water retention. Choose from citrus fruits, bananas, melons, apricots and figs.
In addition to eating a variety of fiber-filled, dark-green, leafy vegetables like collard greens, spinach, leaf lettuce, bok choy, broccoli and cabbage, and vitamin C-packed tomatoes, peppers and yams, include two helpings helpings of sea vegetables every day. Seaweeds, like arame, nori, kelp, hijiki, wakame and kombu are full of natural hormones that can help with menopausal depression symptoms.
Fish and Oils
Make fish, high in omega-3 oils, a regular part of your menopausal diet. A 2002 study, in the American Journal of Psychiatry, showed significant improvement of depression symptoms, after only two weeks of treatment, in subjects who were given a dietary supplement of omega-3 fish oils. After four weeks of supplementation, six out of 10 people treated with the fish oil capsules demonstrated significant improvement in their depression symptoms.
Eat two servings of fatty fish or three servings of less fatty fish per week to increase essential oils in your system. Salmon and mackerel are good fish choices that are full of healthy oils and not too high in mercury--a toxin that is frequently found in larger fish. Other good sources of healthy oils include Brazil nuts, flax seed, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds. Cook with with olive and peanut oils, and use them in salad dressings.
Boost your phytoestrogens with foods made with organic, non-GMO soy; Phytoestrogens help balance your hormone levels. Include raw or roasted soy beans, soy sauce, tofu, soy yogurt and soy milk products into your daily diet.
Foods to Avoid
Avoid eating foods made with white flour, including white breads and pastas. Stay away from refined sugar, white potatoes, carbonated sodas, caffeine, alcohol and white rice. Eat fewer fried foods and more baked or steamed ones. Avoid using processed cooking oils, opting for olive oil instead. You may miss some of these foods at first, but in time you'll come to appreciate the natural flavors of your new diet.