Noriday Side Effects
Common Side Effects
The most common side effects of noriday are not normally serious in nature and pose little discomfort. Many women taking noriday experience mild breast tenderness to moderate breast pain. Patients also frequently report headaches and a change in menstruation, including spotting between periods and the complete absence of periods. Also, many women describe feelings that mimic pre-menstrual syndrome, such as water retention, abdominal pain and depression while taking noriday.
Other Side Effects
Noriday also has the potential to cause a number of other troublesome or annoying, but not dangerous, side effects. Some women experience gastrointestinal side effects from the drug, such as changes in weight, nausea and vomiting. Others report issues affecting the skin, such as excessive hair growth, splotches on skin and itching. Some other possible side effects of noriday include dizziness, enlargement of breasts and changes in sex drive as well as differences in the color, amount and texture of vaginal secretions.
Drug Interactions
There are some medications which produce unwanted side effects when used in conjunction with noriday. If you take ciclosporin, you may experience excessive suppression of the immune system while using noriday that might make you vulnerable to serious infections. Doctors do not prescribe noriday to people taking the antiepileptic medicine lamotrigine as it can decrease the effectiveness of the drug, resulting in an increased risk of seizures.
In addition to minor side effects and the risk of interactions, noriday has the potential to cause serious medical complications. The use of noriday increases the risk of developing cardiovascular problems, including stroke and heart attack in women over 35 years of age. In some cases, noriday causes damage to the liver that results in yellowing of the eyes and skin.
You should avoid smoking cigarettes while taking noriday as the combination greatly raises your risk of having a stroke or heart attack. Because of these and other risks, doctors typically do not prescribe noriday for women who have heart or liver disease. A medical study conducted by Dr. Polly Marchbanks and published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2002 revealed a connection between the use of oral contraceptives and breast cancer. Since its release, many physicians avoid prescribing the drugs for women with a history of cancer.