Natural Relief for Period Pain
Nearly 90% of women who experience symptoms like cramps, bloating, diarrhea, headaches and fatigue during their period do not suffer from any kind of underlying medical condition. It is just how their body deals with menstruation. A study done by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Tarbiat Modarres University in Tehran, Iran, studied the effects that vitamin E might have on period symptoms. In the double-blind experiment, results showed that taking extra vitamin E supplements in the days before your period starts can cause pain to lessen and less blood to be lost. It seems that taking 400 to 800 IU per day can improve blood supply to the muscles. Also, a B-complex vitamin can help to relieve symptoms.
Omega-3 oils may be helpful in reducing period pains. Taking a fish oil supplement or increasing the amount of omega-3 that you get naturally from foods can have an anti-inflammatory effect on your body. Magnesium is another supplement that may help ease symptoms. Taking a supplement of 400 mg per day can help relax the muscles and ease cramping. You can also eat foods that contain a lot of magnesium, like nuts, seeds, spinach, yogurt and grains.
Your daily diet has a profound effect on how your body functions. Simply cutting back on fat, especially saturated fat, and replacing it with healthy foods like fruits and vegetables can make a big difference. Junk foods that have little nutritional value and may contain a lot of salt can lead you to retain water and become bloated during your period. Also, foods containing caffeine may stimulate cramping, so things like coffee and tea should be avoided around your period.
A hot compress like a heating pad or hot water bottle can do wonders at relieving cramps. Just place it on your abdomen or back and let the heat relax the muscles. You can also buy adhesive pads that heat up when they are exposed to air. These can be stuck to clothing and will apply heat to the area while you are on the go.
You might feel like just lying on the couch when you get your period, but engaging in some exercise might be more helpful. Exercise will increase blood flow, helping to ease cramps. It can also boost your mood by releasing endorphins, which come in handy during mood swings.