Home Remedy for Candida
Yogurt is an effective home remedy for candida because it contains lactobacillus cultures, which add beneficial bacteria to your system that keep candida in check. Eating 1/2 cup of yogurt---make sure it's labeled as having live cultures---will help suppress yeast infections. Also, you can apply the yogurt to the affected area if you currently experiencing a yeast infection.
Thoroughly Wash Undergarments
Candida can survive trips to the washer and dryer, and can then become reacquainted with your body when you put on clean clothes. However, there are extra steps you can take to prevent the spread of the bacteria. Soak undergarments in hot water for up to 30 minutes prior to washing. Scrub the garments with a gentle detergent (no dyes or perfumes) after the soak and before tossing in the washer. Make sure they are well rinsed after coming out of the washer, as detergents can sometimes promote the growth of candida.
Wear Loose Clothing
Candida thrives in places that are cool, dark and moist. Avoid wearing tight-fitting or dark-colored clothing. If you must wear such an outfit, change and shower as soon as possible to avoid the spread of the bacteria.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a powerful remedy against candida, as it promotes a strong immune system. Those with weaker systems are more at risk for infections caused by the yeast. Oranges and broccoli hold high concentrations of the vitamin, and a supplement may also be useful to boost your immunity against yeast infections.