Menopause Help for Husbands
Learn About Menopause
If you are married to a menopausal woman, the worst thing you can do is be in denial about what's happening to your wife. Menopause is not a disease, and every woman responds differently as she moves from perimenopause (the beginning of menopausal symptoms) to postmenopause. Learn all you can about menopause; its symptoms, stages, treatments and their side-effects, and last but not least, where you can get help if you need it.
Know Your Wife
Because every woman responds differently during menopause, it's important to understand who your wife is. Don't expect your wife to go through menopause the same way other women do. How she responds to stress, what personality type she is and how much alcohol she drinks, all play a role in how your wife responds to menopausal symptoms.
For example, women who exercise on a regular basis and eat healthy diets usually experience less severe menopause symptoms. The key is not to be alarmed if your wife's outlook on life, sex or career changes suddenly. Change, whether minor or major, is part of the process. The good news is, menopause does not last forever.
Lower Stress Levels
The best thing you can do to help your menopausal wife is to remove stress from her life. Erratic periods, decreased libido, fatigue, weight gain, hot flashes and severe mood swings are only a few of the symptoms your wife may experience. One thing all of these symptoms have in common is that stress makes them worse.
For example, maybe you have a dog that drives your wife crazy. He tears things up and requires lots of time and attention. She's even expressed to you how much stress she feels because of the dog. Maybe it's time to find the dog a new home. Removing stress from your wife's life increases the chance that both of you will have a peaceful transition through menopause.
It's Not Your Fault
Don't blame yourself when things get tough, and don't become insecure about your relationship. Some menopausal women want nothing to do with anything related to sex or intimacy. Entire volumes have been written on the subject of sex and menopause, but it's important not to let your wife's decreased libido affect your relationship.
Be supportive, encouraging and tell her how beautiful she is, but don't push her. Keep things in perspective and understand that this too will pass. Menopause is a rite of passage and not a bad thing. For many couples it means a renewed closeness and freedom that they never had before. Remember, your menopausal wife still loves you even if she doesn't always show it.