Menopause Headache Cure
Recognize that hormones are the primary culprit, just as they are when it comes to a migraine headache, according to (see Reference below). If you were the victim of PMS (premenstrual syndrome) earlier in your life, which is also prompted by hormonal fluctuations, this may indicate that you are a prime candidate for menopausal headaches because you may be very sensitive to hormonal changes.
Induced Menopause
Be aware that if your menopause is induced via a hysterectomy, your headaches may be worse than a woman who goes through menopause naturally. According to, two-thirds of the women who had migraines before their hysterectomies had worse migraines afterward.
Consider taking phytoestrogens, which are plant compounds that are similar to estrogen, according to (see Reference below) because they may help eliminate your headache. You can get these compounds through food sources (soy) or herbs (black cohosh). Isoflavones, which are a component of soy, can be taken via a capsule or in shakes. However, not everyone in the medical history is sold on the notion that soy helps prevent headaches. It could be that phytoestrogens can escalate headaches in some women.
Don Quai
Dong quai, another herb, has been suggested as a mean of quashing headaches. Asked a certified herbalist for her recommendation.
Consider that some women still opt for hormone replacement therapy (HRT) despite its risks, including breast cancer and cardiovascular disease. HRT does reduce symptoms of perimenopause and menopause, including headaches, but there are attendant risks associated with its use.
Acupuncture; Diet Change
A naturalistic approach might be a better option, according to (see Reference below). Some women have had great success preventing menopause headaches by undergoing acupuncture. Others have changed their diets, eliminating MSG, a food preservative that is present in Asian food. Avoiding chocolate, alcohol and tyramines also seems to help reduce the frequency and intensity of headaches.
Get Your Rest
It is also recommended by that a menopausal woman prone toward headaches, should get adequate amounts of sleep and try to eliminate the stress in her life. If that's impossible, then try to cope better with your stress. Learn to meditate, do yoga or take a walk.
Excedrin, Massage and Baths
The old traditional standby, Excedrin, works well on subduing headaches. Getting a neck, head and shoulder massage from an experienced massage practitioner can help as well. Take a hot bath filled with Epsom salts to help relax you.