Myths on How to Induce Labor
Castor Oil
Many women swear by Castor oil as a way to induce labor, but it should really be avoided. The idea is that the Castor oil stimulates the bowel which in turn stimulates contractions. You will most likely wind up with a bad case of diarrhea and no labor. Also, it could cause you to become dehydrated, which is not good for you or baby. The most disturbing aspect of the recommendation of Castor oil is that many recommend that you mix it with orange juice an an alcoholic beverage such as vodka. This is potentially even more damaging to the baby.
Spicy Food
There is no proof that eating on spicy food will induce labor. Like Castor oil, it is thought to get things moving in your digestive tract and therefore bring on uterine contractions. If you try this, you could potentially wind up with an upset stomach and a bad case of heartburn.
Eating Pineapple
Fresh (not canned) pineapple is thought to contain an enzyme that can help induce labor. While it might help bring on contractions, it probably has no effect on actually bringing on full blown labor. However, pineapple has been known to promote healing and it could help your postpartum recovery.
Riding in a Bumpy Car
The idea behind riding in a bumpy car is to literally bounce the baby out. The thought is that the bouncing motion will push the baby into the birth canal. Going on a bumpy car ride will not harm the baby, but, again, there is no scientific evidence to prove that this works.
Talking to Your Baby
Your baby has been listening to the sound of your voice since his ears developed. It is that that by talking to the baby and encouraging him to come out, it will make him want to be born. While it is important that you talk to your baby, it is not going to do anything as far as inducing your labor.
Blue and Black Cohosh
While blue and black cohosh have been used for centuries in labor, black cohosh in particular could be dangerous to both you and baby if taken incorrectly. It is a natural blood thinner and could lead to excessive blood loss during your delivery. These two herbs really work by strengthening contractions that you are already having, not as an induction technique.
Many a pregnant woman has walked for miles in hope of inducing labor only to be extra tired at the end of the day. Walking can help labor that has all ready started progress by helping the baby get into a better position for birth. You must already be having some contractions and dilating for it to work. Walking is good exercise for an expectant mother though, so it can help you to keep your energy levels up as you prepare for real labor, but there is no evidence that it does anything for actually starting labor in the first place.