Bacterial Vaginosis Prevention
Wear cotton underpants
According to Columbia University Health Services, cotton underpants can help prevent a BV infection. Cotton is a breathable fabric that allows airflow and absorbs excess moisture from the vagina. When too much moisture accumulates for too long in the vagina and labial area, it creates an ideal environment for bacteria to grow and thrive.
Sleep nude
Sleeping nude works on the same principal as wearing cotton underpants. It allows air to evaporate excess vaginal fluids. It has another advantage in that it minimizes the daily amount of exposure to laundry chemicals and clothing dyes that your vagina encounters. Many of these chemicals can cause vaginal irritation, which can lead to increased discharge.
Wipe front to back
Wiping front to back keeps fecal and other bacteria from getting deposited near the vaginal opening. Many of these kinds of bacteria lead to BV infections, so it's best to keep them clear of the genitals.
Use condoms or dental dams
According to Columbia University, women prone to frequent, persistent BV infections should use condoms and dental dams every time they have sex. Foreign objects, such body parts and sex toys, can introduce bacteria to the vaginal area, leading to infection.
Wash regularly
Rinsing the vagina regularly can help prevent BV infection for some women. Common times when rinsing the vagina with warm water would be helpful include after sex, after swimming or after working out.