Why Is Birth Control Good?
Regulates Menstrual Cycles
For those with irregular or short periods, birth control can be prescribed to regulate a woman. Other women experience extremely heavy flows which are both painful and an inconvenience. Oral contraceptives as well as a Depo-Provera shot help to regulate a woman's monthly cycle.
Prevents Pregnancy
With a 99% pregnancy prevention rate, contraceptives should be used with a condom to prevent the transmission of STDs and/or HIV/AIDS. Ultimately, birth control thickens the cervical mucus, which makes fertilizing a woman's egg more difficult.
Treats PMS and PMDD
Every woman experiences Premenstrual syndrome symptoms once in her life. A more extreme case of PMS is premenstrual dysphoric disorder, which is caused by the hormone changes that occur in a woman's body right before her cycle. Contraceptives such as YAZ fight these symptoms and even a woman's mood throughout the month.
Corrects Hormone Imbalances
Birth control helps with hormone problems. Whether from early menopause or endometriosis, oral contraceptives will even the amount of estrogen and progestin in the body so that a menstrual flow is shorter and lighter, which leads to a better quality of life.
Prevents Acne
To help correct specific skin-related problems such as acne, a doctor may prescribe an oral contraceptive. Because of the even levels of hormones in the pill, it can help a girl's skin to clear up with consistent daily use.