Postpartum Care for Mothers
Nuture Yourself
Nurturing yourself during this time is not selfish. Indulging in some personal time to do something as simple as getting a haircut, manicure or pizza, reading a book or spending uninterrupted time talking on the phone can recharge your batteries and have you feeling like a new woman.
Get Plenty of Sleep
Most babies wake every 2 to 4 hours to eat, day and night. During the day, you might be tempted to wash a load of laundry or tackle the sink full of dishes, but it's best to resist the urge to clean and instead sleep whenever the baby naps. Sleep will help reduce the chances of feeling completely overwhelmed.
Eat Well
Eating nutritious foods can give you energy, especially if you are breastfeeding. Some mothers worry about the extra pounds they're left carrying after childbirth, but dieting should be postponed until you are stronger. Eating nutritiously will build your strength and improve your mental and physical well-being. Start instead by taking small steps, such as eliminating caffeine and sugar. Too much can leave you feeling anxious.
Exercise Moderately
Try to fit in a daily walk around the block. The fresh air and change of scenery are good for you, and it can help you get back into pre-baby shape more quickly.
Accept Help
When others offer to help, let them. There is no such thing as a "super mom," so learn to graciously accept help when it's offered. Let your friend watch the baby for a couple of hours while you rest, or let your mother send over dinner a couple of nights a week to help out.