Pre Menopause & Sweating
Profuse sweating, or hot flashes and night sweats, are caused by biochemical and hormonal fluctuations that come about due to the declining level of estrogen in a woman's body, according to Dr. Melissa Conrad Stoppler of
Leading up to Menopause
During the months or years preceding menopause, a woman's hormones are apt to get out of balance. When this happens, the center in the brain that regulates temperature mistakenly thinks that the body needs to get rid of body heat and, as a result, the brain sends out messages telling the heart to pump faster and instructs the blood vessels to dilate and orders the sweat glands to open. This is when menopausal women start sweating to beat the band, according to
Vitamins can be used to calm peri-menopausal symptoms, such as intense sweating. Consider trying Brewer's yeast, which helps a woman maintain bone health because it is a good source of calcium. Evening primrose oil, which promotes the production of estrogen, also is good for your skin and mood. Vitamin C with bioflavaoids is reportedly effective in backing off hot flashes and the attendant sweating, according to and Dr. Christine Northrup, author of the Wisdom of Menopause. Vitamin E is a superb anti-oxidant and helps reduce the frequency and intensity of hot flashes and sweating. Vitamin B complex is also a good choice because it helps you cope better with stress and it supports cellular function and circulation.
Homeopathic Treatments
Sometimes a woman's estrogen levels stay relatively intact during pre-menopause, which can last for years, because the body is resourceful and finds other ways to manufacture estrogen. However, if you find that you are symptomatic (and the pool of sweat that you were lying in last night may be the indicator), you may want to consider homeopathic treatment for your symptoms, according to Those treatments may include taking ferrum phosphoricum for hot flashes, particularly when redness in the face accompanies the flash; belladonna to treat hot flashes that start and stop suddenly; sanguinarina if your hot flashes involve your face, neck and ears or kali phosphoricum for nervousness, depression, anxiety and hot flashes.
You've Got Company
If you are having hot flashes and sweating profusely you are not alone, according to Almost half of all women will experience hot flashes and extreme sweating during pre-menopause. About 80 percent of those who do experience this will stop having them after five years. For about 10 percent of women, the hot flashes can last as long as 10 years.