Cures for Anovulation
Lifestyle Modifications
Many women can cure anovulation by modifying their eating habits. Eating healthy diet may help to regulate hormones and may also help to promote weight gain in underweight women or weight loss in obese women. Regular exercise may also help regulate out-of-balance hormones. If after several months of healthy eating and regular moderate exercise, women are still not ovulating other treatments may be considered.
Pituitary Gland Stimulating Medications
Women who are trying to conceive may need to try medications to induce ovulation. Two options are the fertility drugs Clomid and Pergonal, which stimulate the pituitary gland to release hormones needed to trigger ovulation. Fertility medications are especially helpful in treating women with PCOS. Women with PCOS may also take Metformin to help with ovulation.
Ovary Stimulating Medications
The drug Repronex is used to cause ovulation to occur in women who have pituitary disorders. Reponex directly stimulates the ovaries. Other medications that stimulate the ovaries to create mature eggs are Gonal-F and Bravelle.
Other Medications
Human chorionic gonadotropin may be used in combination with other medications to cause the body to release an egg that is ready for fertilization. Also, the gonadotropin-releasing hormone may be used to regulate ovulation cycles and to prevent the body from ovulating too soon before the egg is ready for fertilization.