Do Kegel Exercises Enlarge the Buttocks?
The Facts
Kegel exercises are intended to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. Performing these exercises does not directly enlarge the buttocks. According to, only the pelvic muscles should be engaged during the exercise.
Gaining control over the pelvic muscles through kegel exercises will benefit pregnant women, those with urinary incontinence and women who cannot orgasm. Kegel exercises will also prevent pelvic floor weakening and ultimately pelvic organ prolapse.
Certain factors can weaken the pelvic muscles including being overweight, pregnancy, childbirth, aging, having a chronic cough and having a predisposition to weakened connective tissue. While kegel exercises may not enlarge the buttocks it will certainly benefit this group of individuals.
Identify your pelvic muscles by stopping the flow of your urine. Empty your bladder, sit or lie down. Contract the pelvic muscles for three to five seconds and relax for the same amount of time. Alternate contractions and relaxation periods until you can do this for up to 10 seconds. Perform kegel exercises three times a day. Noticeable results usually appear in 8 to 12 weeks according to
Avoid stopping the flow or urine too often, this can weaken pelvic muscles. Extremely weakened pelvic muscles can lead to pelvic organ prolapse, according to this will cause organs to descend and cause bulging. Seek medical help for any concerns or if you experience pain during these exercises.